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Sa., 12. Okt.
Mike Thorne´s drum clinic "Rhythms for Life"
Eintritt frei, Spenden erwünscht.
Zeit & Ort
12. Okt. 2024, 16:00 – 18:00
München, Westendstr. 76 im Hinterhof, 80339 München, Deutschland
Wichtiges zur Veranstaltung
Hey everybody!
I'd like to announce my next drum clinic "RHYTHMS FOR LIFE" happening on October 12th 2024 at Kulturkeller in Munich.
It will be 2 hours of instructional drumming for all levels and ages, with performances of SAGA and Spock's Beard music, speed and strength building, odd-time understanding, discussing touring life, and a whole lot of fun
So mark the date on your calendar, and bring your drummer friends!
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